
The Americas: Heading South

A Motorcycle Diary

28 June 2015

28 Jun

Happy Birthday my Peta.

Our last riding day.   So because we spent an extra night in Vegas(!) and had to be in LA by midday, AND still wanted to do Death Valley on route, meant that we had a 730km run to do and so working backwards, had us leaving the hotel at 4:30am to ensure that this was doable!

The effects of the night of the 26th were still not fully worn off, so riding out of Vegas at 4:30 into the heart of the hottest place in the USA, is not an experience I would recommend or repeat again! That said, Death Valley is a MUST for every motorcyclist. This is the second time I have travelled this road and it impressed me more now than it did then with its sheer beauty, notwithstanding its 43C temperature at 6:30am!

Leaving Nevada, entering California.

We stopped at a little roadside diner in the heart of death valley in a small town called Panamint Springs where breakfast was a greasy serving of bacon, eggs (or something that vaguely resembled eggs) the best flapjacks ever (as only the US can make them) and a gallon of coffee! We were then right as rain and the balance of the trip was fast, cool and uneventful until we hit the notorious LA traffic and crept the last 20km’s to the hotel after dropping Rupert’s rental off.

Rupert’s family has arrived in LA so the rest of the day was spent lazing with them whilst I started the laborious process of cleaning and packing and getting the bike ready for storage for the next couple of years.

days ride

Our 730km Days ride.


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  1. Rupert

    July 12, 2015 at 4:46 pm

    Thanks Rui! Amazing 10 days and thanks amigo for organizing and looking after me. Ru