
The Americas: Heading South

A Motorcycle Diary

15 June 2015

15 Jun

Slow but interesting start to a long day today. One of the benefits of spending the night in a place like Rockwood, is that you are quickly made to feel like part of the family. For me, who is currently spending long stretches alone at the moment, this family warmth was wonderful. What is even more interesting, I discovered this morning over breakfast with the family, that the house has been in the same family since inception and has simply made its way down through the generations and is now in the hands of Fred and Sarah Drummond, the Great, Great Grandson of the original builders, Francis and Sarah Bell.


I had planned to only ride to Chattanooga today but by the time I was some 100km away, I decided I was feeling adequately fresh to push on a little further and have therefore made it as far south as Birmingham, Alabama. It turned out to be a 750km day and although my body is protesting, that ol riding  fitness is definitely beginning to kick back in. The ride down I81 has been fantastic, scenic and with wonderful and picturesque rural little towns to see. I would highly recommend it as a road trip route!

I was only due to arrive in New Orleans on Wednesday but I am going to push through tomorrow as that will afford me a day of dealing with my office in London who have been phoning and emailing incessantly!! I’m on a bike guys!!

Rups is due to arrive on Wednesday evening and looking forward to spending the time with him.

days ride

Today’s 750km ride..


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  1. Pete

    June 16, 2015 at 6:54 am

    Dont push too hard but agree,spend as much time as possible in NO .Different ,incredible city .
    Many great food places .