
The Americas 2013

A Motorcycle Diary

23 August 2013

23 Aug

We got going quite late today because we slept in after our long 830km schlep of yesterday. The problem with this is that we had another long 660km day today as we are essentially getting the prairies behind us which are uninspiring to ride through.

The ride today was to a small town on the western shore of lake Superior called Duluth which we knew nothing about but was at an appropriate ride distance for an overnight stop. The town however is quite charming (the waterfront in particular) so we have decided to spend two nights to rest, exercise and explore and we started this with a great dinner and 2 bottles of wine which I have no idea how we managed after the last 3 days of riding!!

Once again, photos are non existent because in addition to there being nothing but a very flat horizon to photograph, we both have photo fatigue and have got into the familiar mind set of “enough already” as the end is now in sight!!

Tomorrow we rest!!

days ride

Our days ride..

Be a sport Many of us have the means and wherewithal to undertake the dreams we want but elect to choose otherwise, many however, do not and that is the purpose of this plea. Afrika Tikkun (http://afrikatikkun.org// ) is a South African non governmental, non profit charity organisation run by the Lubner family that in essence does just that; re-provide the possibility to dream and to create the possibility of turning those dreams into a reality.

Unlike many pleas of this nature, I am not looking for any kind of sponsorship for my trip, but I am looking for your donation, regardless of its size to Afrika Tikkun. Please pledge generously as this is a fantastic cause that will assist them to provide food, care, education, health and social services to those that are desperately in need.

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