
Cape to Cairo 2010

A Motorcycle Diary

12 July (Day 13)

12 Jul

I have come to the conclusion that it is not the accommodation that we are staying in that is the problem, but rather my expectations that require amendment, because notwithstanding the 1962 gold award winner of last night, I had a warm and comfortable night with minimum flea bites.

We rode from Mbeya to the Old Farm house at kisolanza (http://www.kisolanza.com ), just outside Iringa which was approximately 400km today. The Old Farm house is beautiful and worth a visit under ordinary circumstances.

We are planning on spending the next 2 nights here so looking forward to the R&R as both Dale and I are finding the long days on the bike taxing on the back and shoulders.

Generally an unremarkable day today other than the fact that the Tanzanians don’t believe in the concept of no overtaking on a blind rise which has resulted in more than a few heart stopping moments today.

We are currently 5,750km from home.

Beautiful Tanzanian Landscapes


Dale and his hoss…

All kinds of ways to transport heavy goods (bricks in this case)

Tanzanian Highlands

BackABuddy Many of us have the means and wherewithal to undertake the dreams we want but elect to choose otherwise, many however, do not and that is the purpose of this plea. Afrika Tikkun (http://afrikatikkun.org// ) is a South African non governmental, non profit charity organisation run by the Lubner family that in essence does just that; re-provide the possibility to dream and to create the possibility of turning those dreams into a reality.

Unlike many pleas of this nature, I am not looking for any kind of sponsorship for my trip, but I am looking for your donation, regardless of its size to Afrika Tikkun. Please pledge generously as this is a fantastic cause that will assist them to provide food, care, education, health and social services to those that are desperately in need.

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  1. Andrew DJ

    July 13, 2010 at 5:22 am

    Sporting a wicked bok-baardjie there I see, look out Tanzanian ladies!!

  2. Roland

    July 13, 2010 at 6:29 pm

    yeah, i was gonna say about that goatee…. looking cool.

    looks like you guys are managing to eat pretty well so far, which is good. You’ll have plenty of time to expend as many calories as you can eat…. and then some.

    Enjoying your journey! Keep it up.

  3. Shaun Barron

    July 14, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    Hey Guys, you are doing so very well. Glad to see the Karthoum (KTM) has not yet given up the ghost. Not sure you really need to bother with that 3rd party insurance. Just tell them it is covered under Carnet, they usually believe you and the insurance probably won’t pay out anyway. Stay away from those nasty girls in the grocers store. Loving your site. Keep it up. Send my best to dale.